Adult Consensual Incestuous Relationships and Marriage (PE1681)
Petition PE1681, on adult consensual incestuous relationships and marriage, is in similar terms to two previous petitions lodged by the same petitioner. The most recent petition was considered by us at our meeting on 15 September 2016. At that meeting, we agreed to close the petition on the basis that the Scottish Law Commission undertook a report on the issue as recently as 2007 and concluded that the majority view at the time favoured retaining the offence and the current definition. Do members have any comments?
I would close the petition.
The question has already been asked and answered, so we should close the petition.
We should close the petition. I do not see any merit in it whatsoever.
Okay, we are agreed to close the petition under rule 15.7 of standing orders on the basis that the Scottish Law Commission undertook a report on the issue as recently as 2007 and concluded that the majority view at the time favoured retaining the offence and the current definition. The petition is closed.
We have come to the end of consideration of petitions in public, although we have one further petition, PE1458, to discuss in private. In closing the meeting, I wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year. I also take the opportunity to thank the clerks and all those who have worked behind the scenes to support the committee’s work during the past year. Their assistance is greatly appreciated.
10:50 Meeting continued in private until 11:06.Air ais
Continued Petitions