Official Report 169KB pdf
Finally, we will look at the outline budget plans for the next financial year, 2008-09. The SCPA would usually consider the budget in spring, but that was delayed this year as a result of the election. The purpose of the item today is to have a brief initial discussion. We will examine the matter in more detail at our next meeting.
Only to say that, as I think you have implied, work is on-going on the matter as we speak. We are working on the detail of our budget submission, which will go to the Audit Scotland board before it comes to the SCPA by the end of the month. We are confident that the figures outlined in my letter to you will not move significantly between now and the end of the month.
Are there any questions?
I have one question. Can you confirm that whatever may come out of end-year flexibility is on top of the £7.249 million that is mentioned in your letter?
That is correct. We require end-year flexibility in order to manage the fee regime, as outlined in the letter.
Does Derek Brownlee or George Foulkes have any questions? Speak now or forever hold your peace.
We have another meeting to look at the matter.
I thank Mr Black, Mr Frith and Mr Gibson.
Meeting continued in private until 12:03.