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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Meeting date: Tuesday, January 14, 2025


Subordinate Legislation

Financial Assistance for Environmental Purposes (Variation) (Scotland) Order 2024 (SSI 2024/371)

We move straight on to agenda item 5, which does not involve you, cabinet secretary. You looked at me concerned, as if you were expecting—

I was concerned.

The Convener

Well, be unconcerned. Item 5 does not involve you.

Item 5 is consideration of a negative instrument. The purpose of the order is to enable the Scottish ministers to give financial assistance to any scheme, organisation or programme for the purposes of protecting, improving or gaining a better understanding of air quality. The instrument is laid under the negative procedure, which means that its provisions will come into force unless the Parliament agrees to a motion to annul. No motions to annul have been lodged. Does any member have any comments on the order?

Mark Ruskell

I would like more information on how the funds are to be used, particularly in relation to supporting knowledge and action on the ground. Members will be aware that the fines resulting from the establishment of low-emission zones in Scotland can be spent on air quality management objectives in local authorities, so there is already a stream of funding there.

The Government is working on its refreshed air quality plan, cleaner air for Scotland 3. There is growing interest in particular pollutants, such as those resulting from wood-burning stoves in urban areas, and new challenges are emerging all the time. There are increased demands from medical academics and professionals for air quality to be monitored, particularly around schools, because children are particularly vulnerable to developmental issues in relation to air quality.

I would like more information on how the funds will be used and what the Government’s priorities are, particularly given that CAFS3 is coming through, and given the other funds that are available and the new and emerging challenges in air quality that the committee has been party to and that have been discussed in Parliament recently.

The Convener

As there are no other comments, is the committee happy that we write a letter requesting further information from the Government on how the funds will be used, but that we have no other recommendations in relation to the instrument?

Members indicated agreement.

11:44 Meeting continued in private until 12:00.