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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Meeting of the Commission

Meeting date: Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Work Programme

Item 5—our final item—is consideration of, and agreement to, a paper from the secretary on our work programme and our approach to conducting business. Are we happy to agree to the work programme?

I am content that the paper summarises what we discussed.

The Convener

The key items that we discussed at previous meetings were: meeting in public and publication of meeting papers, minutes and reports whenever possible; adoption of a quorum of three; allowing non-SCPA members to attend and—with the convener’s agreement—to participate in meetings; and publication of an annual report setting out the commission’s work and activities each year, in line with parliamentary committee annual reports. We will align ourselves pretty much with parliamentary committees. Are members happy to adopt that approach?

Members indicated agreement.

The Convener

That concludes our business. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 27 October, when we will take evidence on Audit Scotland’s budget proposals for 2012-13 and consider a written agreement between the SCPA and Audit Scotland. I thank members for their attendance.

Meeting closed at 10:46.