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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee

Meeting date: Wednesday, May 4, 2022


European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018

Official Controls (Transitional Staging Period) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2022 (SSI 2022/90)

The Deputy Convener

Our third item is consideration of the Official Controls (Transitional Staging Period) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2022 (SSI 2022/90). The instrument has been made using powers under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018.

The process for consideration of instruments that are laid under the 2018 act consists of two parts. First, the committee must agree whether it is content that the parliamentary procedure that has been designated to the instrument by the Scottish Government is appropriate. I refer members to paper 3, which starts on page 14 of the briefing pack.

The Scottish Government has designated the negative procedure for this Scottish statutory instrument. Are members content that the negative parliamentary procedure that has been designated to the instrument by the Scottish Government is appropriate? I ask members to raise their hand or to type R in the chat box if participating remotely.

Members indicated agreement.


The Deputy Convener

We turn to the policy of the instrument. If members have any comments on the instrument, they should raise their hand or type R in the chat box if participating remotely.

Members will have seen the proposal that is set out on page 17 of the members’ pack. Are members content to write to the Scottish Government to ask why it considers it necessary to introduce this exemption, which, unless the transitional staging period is extended for a fourth time, would be in place for only approximately six weeks, between 12 May and 30 June 2022, and for an update regarding the transitional staging period beyond 30 June 2022?

Members indicated agreement.

Rachael Hamilton

I am content with that, but can we ask the Government what the impact of the exemption is? We are asking why the Scottish Government considers it necessary to introduce the exemption, but what would the impact be if the exemption did not exist?

Yes, we can do that.

Thank you.

There are no further comments, so that concludes our business in public.

11:41 Meeting continued in private until 11:55.