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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Social Security Committee

Meeting date: Thursday, September 17, 2020


Decision on Taking Business in Private

The Convener (Bob Doris)

Good morning. I welcome everyone to the 16th meeting in 2020 of the Social Security Committee. We have apologies from Shona Robison MSP; I am pleased to see that James Dornan MSP is attending in her place. James is more than welcome.

Agenda item 1 is to decide whether to take in private agenda item 3, which is consideration of the evidence that we are about to hear, and agenda item 4, which is on engagement planning. Given the complexities of group discussion in videoconferencing, I will assume that members are content with that, unless anyone indicates something in the chat box.

As no one has indicated that they disagree, we have agreed to take those items in private.