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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee

Meeting date: Thursday, May 30, 2024


Annual Report

The Convener

Our fifth agenda item is the annual report. As is required by standing orders, each committee publishes an annual report. The committee has before it our draft report from 2023 through to 2024.

The report deals with membership changes; meetings; the work that we have done by way of legislation, inquiries and case studies; evidence that we have taken from the Minister for Parliamentary Business; the code of conduct; complaints that have been received; post-legislative scrutiny; and the parliamentary corporation-supported bodies—namely, the commissioners who have been before us—along with other groups. Details of the petition that is with us are contained in it, along with our equal opportunities work and, as we have just done in this meeting, our cross-party group work, which certainly fills a substantial amount of the clerks’ time as well as ours on occasion.

I see that members do not have any comments to make on the draft annual report. I understand that a tiny amendment will be made to paragraph 26 before the report is published, and it will then be formatted in the usual annual report style. Is the committee happy for it to be finalised and published?

Members indicated agreement.

Excellent. I am grateful.

09:09 Meeting continued in private until 09:59.