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Dual Mandate MSPs (PE1949)
Agenda item 5 is consideration of petition PE1949, which was lodged by Alexander James Dickson. It calls on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to review the rules concerning dual mandate MSPs.
The committee previously agreed to consider the petition as part of its scrutiny of the Scottish Elections Representation and Reform Bill. The committee included the issue as part of its scrutiny of the bill at stage 1, and members will be aware that amendments relating to the ending of dual mandates were also considered at stages 2 and 3. Amendments were agreed by the Parliament at stage 3 that require the Scottish ministers to lay regulations to give effect to disqualification of members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, as well as providing a discretionary power to make regulations to give effect to disqualification of local authority councillors.
The Minister for Parliamentary Business committed to undertake a consultation and to report to Parliament once the consultation is concluded. The minister has indicated that he is
“committed to ensuring that, by autumn 2025, regulations are laid as informed by the consultation, which I have committed to publish, and that those regulations are in place well ahead of, and effective by, the Scottish Parliament election that is scheduled for May 2026.”—[Official Report, 17 December 2024; c 41.]
In the circumstances, it would appear that the petitioner’s request in the petition has, indeed, been answered. The committee might wish to note that, in discussions with the petitioner, he has indicated that he is content with the outcome that his petition has achieved.
We need to discuss whether or not we will formally close the petition under rule 15.7 of the standing orders, on the basis that the aims of the petition have been achieved through the passing of the Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill. Are we content to close the petition on that ground?
Members indicated agreement.
Is the committee content for me to write to the petitioner, confirming the committee’s decision?
Members indicated agreement.
Excellent. It is nice to see a petition achieve its aims.
10:56 Meeting continued in private until 11:17.Air ais
Cross-Party Group