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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee

Meeting date: Wednesday, October 26, 2022



* Attended

The following also participated:

Bally Philp (Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation)

Calum Duncan (Marine Conservation Society)

Hannah Fennell (Scottish Fishermen’s Federation)

Lucy Kay (Coastal Communities Network)

Sheila Keith (Shetland Fishermen’s Association)

Simon MacDonald (West Coast Inshore Fisheries Group)

Charles Millar (Sustainable Inshore Fisheries Trust)

Dr Fiona Read (Whale and Dolphin Conservation)

Phil Taylor (Open Seas Trust)

Elaine Whyte (Communities Inshore Fisheries Alliance)

Clerk to the committee

Emma Johnston