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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee

Meeting date: Wednesday, January 12, 2022


Subordinate Legislation

Animal Products (Transitional Import Conditions) (Miscellaneous Amendment) (Scotland) Regulations 2021

The Convener

Agenda item 4 is consideration of a piece of subordinate legislation, and I refer members to committee paper 3.

As some provisions were made under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, we first need to consider whether the parliamentary procedure that the Scottish Government designated to the instrument is appropriate.

Members will note that the negative procedure has been designated, and the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee agreed with that designation when it considered the matter on 7 December.

Are members content that the negative procedure is appropriate for SSI 2021/432? Please type N in the chat box if you do not agree, otherwise I will presume that members are content.

Members are content.


We will continue our consideration of the instrument under agenda item 5. The instrument, which came into effect on 1 January, extends a previous derogation allowing chilled meat to be imported from countries in the European Economic Area, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Switzerland. The derogation is extended to 30 June 2022. The instrument also removes, for the period that transitional arrangements are in place, the health certification requirements for animal products that would otherwise have applied from 1 January 2022.

No motion to annul the instrument has been lodged. If any member has a comment to make about the instrument, they should type R in the chat box.

Since no member has indicated that they wish to make a comment, are members content to note the instrument? Again, if any member wishes to make a recommendation about the instrument, they should type R in the chat box.

I see no comments, so members are content to note the instrument.

That brings us to the end of our public session and we will now move into private session.

11:46 Meeting continued in private until 12:23.