Cycle Helmets (PE1679)
The second agenda item is consideration of a new petition, PE1679, on cycle helmets. The petition, which was lodged by Jenny Lockhart, calls for the introduction of legislation or a national information campaign to ensure that people wear helmets when cycling in Scotland. The petition collected 83 signatures and received 16 comments. The briefing that has been prepared for us notes that the comments that were received on the petition broadly reflect the two sides of the argument in terms of cycling safety, particularly with regard to the wearing of helmets.
The petitioner has indicated to the clerks that, as there is not general support for the action called for, she wishes to withdraw the petition. Do members have any comments or suggestions for action?
I am happy to go with the petitioner’s suggestion that it be withdrawn. The evidence that we received indicates that there is no need to pursue it.
I agree. We should close the petition.
I think that it would be fair to say that there were strong views and compelling cases on both sides. However, as the petitioner wants to withdraw the petition, we can accept that and agree to close the petition on that basis. We can write to the petitioner to thank her for submitting the petition and to remind her that it is possible to resubmit a petition at any time. Do we agree to that suggested action?
Members indicated agreement.
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Continued Petitions