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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee [Draft]

Meeting date: Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Deputy Convener

The Convener

The second agenda item is the choice of a new deputy convener. The Parliament has agreed that only members of the Scottish National Party group may be deputy convener of this committee. Is there a nomination? Jackie Dunbar, it looks like you are scowling at me, but you are waving your hand.

I nominate Michael Matheson as the deputy convener.

Jackie Dunbar has nominated Michael Matheson as the deputy convener. Are we agreed?

Monica Lennon (Central Scotland) (Lab)

I would like to make a comment. I join you in welcoming Michael Matheson to the committee, and I am sure that we will all work well together.

I want to put a point on the record, which is not a reflection on the nomination or the candidate for deputy convener but is a matter for the SNP and for Parliament. The Presiding Officer commissioned a gender-sensitive audit, and I was part of the working group for that. It is important that we bear the aims of that piece of work in mind when we make decisions about appointments to Parliament. For the second time that the committee has appointed a new deputy convener, we find ourselves with an all-male convenership, which is not in the spirit of what we are aspiring to.

It is a matter for the SNP, because it gets to make the nomination. As I said, my comments are no reflection on Michael Matheson, but it is important that all business managers strive to achieve as much of a gender balance as possible.

I do not know what Jackie Dunbar was just saying across the table, but I want to put that point on the record. I am sure that all business managers read the Official Report, if they are not listening to our live proceedings.

The Convener

Thank you for reminding us about that work, Monica. While bearing in mind what you have just said, I will ask the question again: does the committee agree to appoint Michael Matheson as the committee’s deputy convener?

Members indicated agreement.

Michael, during the next break, you will move up the table to sit next to me.