Official Report 647KB pdf
Good morning, and welcome to the first meeting in 2022 of the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee. I ask all members and witnesses to ensure that their mobile phones are on silent and that all other notifications are turned off during the meeting.
Agenda item 1 is to consider whether to take items?3 and 4 in private. Item?3?will be an opportunity for members to consider the evidence that they have heard this morning as part of the committee’s budget scrutiny for 2022-23, and item 4 will be a chance for the committee to consider its report to Parliament on the short-term lets regulations, which the committee previously agreed to approve. Do members agree to take items?3 and 4 in private?
As no members object, we agree to take items 3 and 4 in private.
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Budget Scrutiny 2022-23