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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Meeting date: Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Decision on Taking Business in Private

The Convener (Ariane Burgess)

Good morning, and welcome to the 10th meeting in 2021 of the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee in 2021.

I ask all members and witnesses to ensure that their mobile phones are switched to silent and that all other notifications are turned off during the meeting.

Our first item is consideration of whether to take items 4 and 5 in private. Item 4 is an opportunity for members to reflect on the evidence taken in the meeting, and item 5 is consideration of our approach to an inquiry on retrofitting housing for net zero. Do members agree to take items 4 and 5 in private?

I see agreement, so I confirm that the committee will take those items in private.