Diligence against Earnings (Variation) (Scotland) Regulations 2023 (SSI 2023/27)
Agenda item 3 is consideration of a Scottish statutory instrument. The committee is invited to note the Diligence against Earnings (Variation) (Scotland) Regulations 2023.
The purpose of the instrument is to update the figures that are contained in part III of the Debtors (Scotland) Act 1987, which relates to how much money an individual is allowed to keep before any payment can be taken from wages to recover debts and sets the scale of what payments can be taken above that level. The regulations increase protection for those in debt by raising the threshold beneath which deductions may not be taken from earnings by arrestment.
Although members are invited to note the instrument, they will be aware that we have received representation. Therefore, I am minded to write to the Government to request that, although we recognise that, by changing some of the thresholds, the instrument eases the current economic situation that is faced by many, perhaps more could be done in future years. I will write to the Government if members are happy for me to do so.
I also note that the Social Justice and Social Security Committee recently carried out an inquiry into such matters. Therefore, the Government is aware that the Parliament has an interest in them.
Are members content to note the instrument and to agree that a letter along those lines should be sent?
Members indicated agreement.
Thank you.
That concludes the public part of the meeting. We will move into private session.
11:46 Meeting continued in private until 11:55.