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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Education, Children and Young People Committee [Draft]

Meeting date: Wednesday, January 29, 2025



The Convener (Douglas Ross)

Good morning and welcome to the fourth meeting in 2025 of the Education, Children and Young People Committee.

I welcome Keith Brown, who is joining us as a committee member and replacing our previous colleague, Evelyn Tweed. On behalf of the committee, I thank Evelyn for her work as deputy convener and as a conscientious member of the committee.

As this is his first meeting as a committee member, I invite Keith to declare any relevant interests.

Having consulted the standards clerks, I have no interests to declare, but I advise the committee that my daughter is a full-time primary school teacher, working for Aberdeen City Council.

Thank you very much.

That concludes the public part of our proceedings.

09:30 Meeting continued in private until 11:43.  

Air ais
