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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee

Meeting date: Tuesday, March 22, 2022


Instruments subject to Affirmative Procedure

The Convener

Under agenda item 2, we are considering five instruments subject to the affirmative procedure. There was a late change to our agenda due to the following Scottish statutory instrument being laid by the Scottish Government yesterday.

Social Security (Residence Requirements) (Ukraine) (Scotland) Regulations 2022 [Draft]

The Convener

The Department for Work and Pensions intends to make emergency legislation shortly that will remove certain residence-based qualifying conditions to allow individuals who come from Ukraine to the United Kingdom to access the benefits system immediately on arrival in the UK. The SSI has been laid to ensure parity of access for Ukraine citizens in Scotland to benefits for which the Scottish ministers have responsibility. The Scottish Government is therefore seeking to have the changes come into force today.

Although the committee needs sufficient time to properly consider each and every SSI that is laid before the Parliament to make sure that it is correct as a matter of law, given the obvious immediacy here, I have allowed the SSI to be added to today’s agenda. I nevertheless reserve the right for the committee to look at the instrument again next week should any issues subsequently be found. We could then write to the Scottish Government to highlight those issues.

Taking all that into account, is the committee content with the regulations?

Members indicated agreement.

Also under this agenda item, no points have been raised on the following draft instruments.

Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (Amendment) Order 2022 [Draft]

Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (Scotland) Order 2022 [Draft]

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2022 [Draft]

Social Security (Up-rating) (Miscellaneous Amendment) (Scotland) Regulations 2022 [Draft]

Is the committee content with the instruments?

Members indicated agreement.