Official Report 443KB pdf
Welcome to the eighth meeting in 2025 of the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee. We have received apologies from our deputy convener, Bill Kidd, and from Katy Clark. I remind everyone to switch off, or put to silent, mobile phones and other electronic devices.
Under agenda item 1, the committee is considering one instrument, on which no points have been raised.
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002 Amendment Order 2025 [Draft]
Is the committee content with this instrument?
Members indicated agreement.
Does the committee wish to note that the Scottish Government has indicated that it will consider lodging an amendment to the Education (Scotland) Bill, to avoid overlap between the provision in this instrument and a provision in the bill, which both seek to add a new paragraph 32AAA into schedule 2 of the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002?
Members indicated agreement.
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AttendanceAir adhart
Instruments subject to Negative Procedure