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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Criminal Justice Committee

Meeting date: Wednesday, October 26, 2022



The Convener

Agenda item 6 is a discussion of recent correspondence that the committee has received. I refer members to paper 5. The clerks have made some suggestions about how we might want to take the various issues forward, but ultimately the decision on what action to take is for us.

I will take each of the letters in turn. With regard to the first letter, which is from Police Scotland and relates to the use of cyberkiosks, do members have anything that they want to raise? If not, are we happy to agree the recommendation that has been made?

Members indicated agreement.

The second letter is from the Scottish Prison Service and relates to purposeful activity. Do members have any comments?

I note that the letter does not mention the two prisons that are not under SPS control, and I just wondered whether we need to seek the same information from those operators.

Do you want to write to them for some clarification?

Yes, to Addiewell and Kilmarnock.

The Convener

Okay. Thank you very much.

If members have no other comments, that completes our public business for today. Our next meeting will be on 2 November, when we will continue to take evidence as part of our pre-budget scrutiny process.

As previously agreed, we now move into private session.

12:41 Meeting continued in private until 12:42.