Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee
1st Meeting, 2025
The Committee agreed to take item 6 in private.
The Committee took evidence on the Commissioner’s annual report from—
The Committee considered an application for recognition from the proposed Cross-Party Group on France, and took evidence from—
Daniel Johnson MSP, Convener of the proposed Cross-Party group on France, The Scottish Parliament.
The Committee agreed to accord recognition to the proposed Cross-Party Group on France.
The Committee agreed (by division: For 3, Against 1, Abstentions 0).
The Committee agreed to close the following continued petition—
Review the rules concerning Dual Mandate MSPs.
The Committee considered the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 2.
The Committee considered draft Standing Order Rule changes and agreed to seek the views of the Presiding Officer, the Parliamentary Bureau and political parties represented in the Parliament.