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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee

Agenda: 30 June 2022

Thursday, 30 June 2022

16th Meeting, 2022

Start time: 09:00am
Location: TG.60-CR3 The Fleming Room
Agenda items:

  1. Decision on taking business in private
  2. Future parliamentary procedures and practices: Draft report (in private)
  3. Work programme (in private)
  4. Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland (in private)

Agenda published: Tuesday, 28 June 2022 11:51am

Full agenda and available meeting papers

1. Decision on taking business in private

The Committee will decide whether to take agenda item 3 in private.

2. Future parliamentary procedures and practices: Draft report (in private)

The Committee will consider a draft report.

Papers for this item:

1 private paper will be discussed during this agenda item

3. Work programme (in private)

The Committee will consider its work programme.

Papers for this item:

1 private paper will be discussed during this agenda item

4. Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland (in private)

The Committee will consider a revision to the Directions made under the Scottish Parliamentary Standards Commissioner Act 2002.

Papers for this item:

1 private paper will be discussed during this agenda item