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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee

Minutes: 28 October 2021

Thursday, 28 October 2021

5th Meeting, 2021

Start time: 09:15am
End time: 10:47am
Location: TG.60-CR3 The Fleming Room
Published: Friday, 29 October 2021


1. Decision on taking business in private:

The Committee agreed that consideration of a complaint report from the Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland should be taken in private at future meetings.

2. Subordinate legislation:

The Committee took evidence on the Representation of the People (Postal Voting for Local Government Elections) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2021, the Scottish Local Government Elections Amendment Order 2021, the Representation of the People (Variation of Limits of Candidates’ Local Government Election Expenses) (Scotland) Order 2021 (Negative) and the Representation of the People (Absent Voting at Local Government Elections) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2021 (Negative) from—

George Adam, Minister for Parliamentary Business and Iain Hockenhull, Elections Bill Team Leader, Scottish Government ;

Craig McGuffie, Solicitor, Scottish Government Legal Directorate.

Paul McLennan declared an interest that he is a serving Councillor.

3. Subordinate legislation:

George Adam (Minister for Parliamentary Business) moved—S6M-01320—That the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments  Committee recommends that the Representation of the People (Postal Voting for Local Government Elections) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2021 be approved.

The motion was agreed to.

4. Subordinate legislation:

George Adam (Minister for Parliamentary Business) moved —S5M-01321—That the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments  Committee recommends that the Scottish Local Government Elections Amendment Order 2021 be approved.

The motion was agreed to.

5. Subordinate legislation:

The Committee consider the following negative instruments—

Representation of the People (Variation of Limits of Candidates’ Local Government Election Expenses) (Scotland) Order 2021

Representation of the People (Absent Voting at Local Government Elections) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2021.

The Committee agreed it wished to make no comments in relation to the instruments.

6. Guidance on Bills:

The Committee agreed to approve revised Guidance on Public Bills for publication.

7. Cross-Party Groups:

The Committee considered applications for recognition from five Cross-Party Groups, and took evidence from—

James Dornan, Convener of the proposed CPG on Ireland, Scottish Parliament;

and then from—

Jackie Baillie, Co-Convener of the proposed CPG on Long Covid, Scottish Parliament;

and then from—

Liz Smith, Convener of the proposed CPG on Outdoor Education, Scottish Parliament;

and then from—

Rona Mackay, Convener of the Proposed CPG on Women, Families and Justice, Scottish Parliament;

and then from—

Sarah Boyack, Convener of the proposed CPG on Culture and Communities, Scottish Parliament.

8. Cross-Party Group - approval:

The Committee agreed to accord recognition to the proposed Cross-Party Groups on Ireland, Long Covid, Outdoor Education, Women, Families and Justice and Culture and Communities.

9. Cross-Party Groups:

The Committee considered a change of purpose for the proposed CPG on Colleges and Universities and the proposed CPG on Nuclear Disarmament and a change of name and purpose for the proposed CPG on Improving Scotland's Health and agreed these Groups should be accorded recognition.

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