Following the publication of the report, ‘A Parliament for All: Report of the Parliament’s Gender Sensitive Audit’, the Presiding Officer Alison Johnstone MSP asked the Committee to look at a number of recommendations.
The recommendations highlighted to the Committee include consideration of amendments to Standing Orders regarding gender balance on committees, and membership of parliamentary bodies and the provision of a proxy voting scheme.
Recommendations highlighted to the Committee on 9 March 2023
Find about more about the report and its recommendations
The Committee has been scrutinising these recommendations and assessing whether and how they can be implemented.
It began its consideration of the recommendations in March 2023 and held an evidence session on 26 October 2023 with Susan Duffy, the parliamentary official who led on the Audit, and from Professor Sarah Childs and Meryl Kenny who were expert advisers on the Board overseeing the Audit.
It has since considered the issue at a number of meetings and is continuing the consideration of these recommendations.
A Parliament for All: Report of the Parliament’s Gender Sensitive Audit (2MB, pdf) posted 01 March 2023
The Gender Sensitive Audit was discussed at the following Committee meetings:
The Committee has written to the Presiding Officer to provide updates on the Committee’s consideration of the recommendations on the Gender Sensitive Audit.
Letter from the Convener to the Presiding Officer, 12 November 2024
Letter from the Convener to the Presiding Officer, 12 June 2024
SPICe Briefing on Modelling of mixed gender composition rules for Committees of the Scottish Parliament