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SPCB Supported Bodies Landscape Review Committee

All meetings of the committee

2025 Meetings

All meetings of the SPCB Supported Bodies Landscape Review Committee held in 2025. On meeting pages you can find agendas, meeting papers, minutes, and links to Official Reports and videos of meetings.

5th Meeting

27 February

  1. SPCB supported bodies landscape review
  2. SPCB supported bodies landscape review (in private)

4th Meeting

20 February

  1. SPCB supported bodies landscape review
  2. SPCB supported bodies landscape review (in private)

3rd Meeting

06 February

  1. SPCB supported bodies landscape review
  2. SPCB supported bodies landscape review

2nd Meeting

30 January

  1. SPCB supported bodies landscape review
  2. SPCB supported bodies landscape review

1st Meeting

23 January

  1. Declaration of interests
  2. Work programme (in private)

2024 Meetings