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Evidence session on the Scottish Government's proposed fuel poverty strategy

Letter from Convener to the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport, 17 November 2021

Dear Michael,

Proposed Fuel Poverty Strategy

I am writing to you to inform you that the Social Justice and Social Security Committee will be holding an evidence session on the Scottish Government’s proposed fuel poverty strategy at its meeting on Thursday 25 November.

The focus for the evidence session will be considering the impact of an increase in energy prices on individuals and what support would be most effective. The Committee will also be considering these issues specifically within the context of the impact on disabled people and those in rural/island communities.

As well as a formal evidence session the Committee will hold an informal private session with small groups to explore these issues. These groups will be made up of  individuals with lived experience and grass roots and third sector organisations who provide advice and support for those in fuel poverty.

I note there is a requirement following publication of the proposed fuel poverty strategy for the Scottish Government to publish a report setting out its consultation process and how the views expressed have been take into account. We are keen our engagement work compliments that conducted by the Scottish Government. To ensure this is the case it would be most helpful if the Committee could receive further information on who you have consulted and how this has helped shaped the proposed strategy.

Given the 40 day deadline for us to consider the draft strategy it would be helpful if this information could be provided in time for our evidence session next week on Thursday 25 November.

Following the evidence session, the Committee intends to write to you setting out its findings and highlighting any further issues it feels the Scottish Government should consider before finalising its fuel poverty strategy.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Neil Gray MSP

Convener, Social Justice and Social Security Committee