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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Seòmar agus comataidhean

Rural Affairs and Islands Committee

Agenda: 15 December 2021

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

15th Meeting, 2021

Start time: 10:00am
Location: This is a virtual meeting
Agenda items:

  1. UK Subordinate legislation
  2. Work programme (in private)

Agenda published: Monday, 13 December 2021 11:02am

Full agenda and available meeting papers

1. UK Subordinate legislation

The Committee will consider proposals by the Scottish Government to consent to the UK Government legislating using powers under the European Union Withdrawal Act 2018 in relation to the following UK statutory instruments—

Official Controls (Extension of Transitional Periods) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2021;

Approved Country Lists (Animals and Animal Products) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2021.

Papers for this item:

1 private paper will be discussed during this agenda item

2. Work programme (in private)

The Committee will review its work programme.

Papers for this item:

1 private paper will be discussed during this agenda item