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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Rural Affairs and Islands Committee

Scottish Wild Salmon Strategy

Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands, Mairi Gougeon, to the Convener, 19 January 2022

Dear Finlay,

The Committee will be aware that the long-term decline of Atlantic salmon populations is now a cause for great concern. As Scotland is a stronghold for wild salmon we have a special responsibility to do everything within our control to secure a positive future for this iconic species. I am therefore pleased to bring to your attention the Wild Salmon Strategy published on 14 January 2022 - Scottish Wild Salmon Strategy - (

The Wild Salmon Strategy represents our assurance that wild salmon conservation is a national priority and exemplifies the Scottish Government’s commitments on the protection and recovery of Scotland’s natural environment.

The strategy provides an overarching framework to tackle the wide range of pressures affecting wild salmon in Scotland. Due to the life-cycle of salmon, action to protect the species is required across Scotland’s landscapes, rivers and marine environment. There are many existing initiatives to build on but I am clear that we must now look to enhance and accelerate these efforts where possible. Success will also depend on continued close cooperation with international partners, for example through the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation (NASCO).

This point marks the beginning, not the end of the process and I intend to publish a detailed Implementation Plan later this year to further guide collective action across government, business and charitable sectors. I look forward to progressing this work in close collaboration the diverse range of bodies that have an interest in wild salmon conservation.

I hope that the Committee finds this helpful.

Yours sincerley,