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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Public Audit Committee

Minutes: 29 January 2025

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

4th Meeting, 2025

Start time: 09:30am
End time: 12:15pm
Location: TG.60-CR3 The Fleming Room
Published: Wednesday, 29 January 2025


1. Decision on taking business in private:

The Committee agreed to take agenda items 3, 4 and 5 in private.

2. NHS in Scotland 2024: Finance and performance:

The Committee took evidence from—

Caroline Lamb, Chief Executive of NHS Scotland and Director-General for Health and Social Care and Alan Gray, Director of Health and Social Care Finance, Scottish Government;

John Burns, Chief Operating Officer, NHS Scotland.

3. NHS in Scotland 2024: Finance and performance (In Private):

The Committee considered the evidence heard at agenda item 2 and took further evidence from—

Stephen Boyle, Auditor General for Scotland;

Leigh Johnston, Senior Manager, Audit Scotland.

4. NHS in Scotland 2024: Finance and performance (In Private):

The Committee considered the evidence heard at agenda items 2 and 3 and agreed to await follow up written evidence from the Scottish Government before considering its next steps.

5. Work programme (In Private):

In relation to the 2023/24 audit of the Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts, the Committee agreed to await follow up written evidence from the Scottish Government before considering its next steps.

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