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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Public Audit Committee

Agenda: 02 December 2021

Thursday, 02 December 2021

10th Meeting, 2021

Start time: 09:00am
Location: T1.60-CR4 The Clerk Maxwell Room
Agenda items:

  1. Decision on taking business in private
  2. The 2020/21 audit of the Crofting Commission
  3. The 2020/21 audit of NHS National Services Scotland and Briefing on personal protective equipment
  4. The 2020/21 audit of NHS National Services Scotland and Briefing on personal protective equipment
  5. The 2020/21 audit of the Crofting Commission

Agenda published: Monday, 29 November 2021 03:06pm

Full agenda and available meeting papers

1. Decision on taking business in private

The Committee will decide whether to take items 4 and 5 in private.

2. The 2020/21 audit of the Crofting Commission

The Committee will take evidence on the section 22 report from—

  • Bill Barron
    Chief Executive
    Crofting Commission
  • Malcolm Mathieson
    Crofting Commission

Papers for this item:

1 private paper will be discussed during this agenda item

3. The 2020/21 audit of NHS National Services Scotland and Briefing on personal protective equipment

The Committee will take evidence on the section 22 report and briefing from—

  • Mary Morgan
    Chief Executive
    NHS National Services Scotland
  • Carolyn Low
    Director of Finance
    NHS National Services Scotland
  • Gordon Beattie
    Director of National Procurement
    NHS National Services Scotland
  • Caroline Lamb
    Chief Executive for NHS Scotland and Director-General for Health and Social Care
    Scottish Government
  • Richard McCallum
    Director of Health Finance and Governance
    Scottish Government

Papers for this item:

1 private paper will be discussed during this agenda item

4. The 2020/21 audit of NHS National Services Scotland and Briefing on personal protective equipment

The Committee will consider the evidence heard at agenda item 3 and take further evidence on the section 22 report and briefing from—

  • Stephen Boyle
    Auditor General for Scotland
  • Carole Grant
    Audit Director, Audit Services
    Audit Scotland
  • Ashleigh Madjitey
    Audit Manager, Performance Audit and Best Value
    Audit Scotland

5. The 2020/21 audit of the Crofting Commission

The Committee will consider the evidence heard at agenda item 2 and take further evidence on the section 22 report from—

  • Stephen Boyle
    Auditor General for Scotland
  • Graeme Greenhill
    Senior Manager, Performance Audit and Best Value
    Audit Scotland
  • Pat Kenny
    Director, Audit and Assurance
    Deloitte LLP