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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Seòmar agus comataidhean


1st Meeting, 2021

Date: Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Session: 6
Meeting opened at: 09:30am
Meeting closed at: 10:30am

Committee Members Attendees

Colin Beattie   
Sharon Dowey   
Richard Leonard 
Willie Coffey
Craig Hoy

1 Decision on taking business in private:

The Committee agreed to take agenda item 6 in private.

2 Declaration of interests: 

Members of the Committee were invited to declare any relevant interests. The following interests were declared— 

Colin Beattie is a Director of National Mining Museum of Scotland. 

Willie Coffey referred to his register of interests. 

Sharon Dowey owns an heritable property. 

Craig Hoy is an elected East Lothian Councillor and Board Member for South of Scotland Transport Partnership. 

Richard Leonard referred to his register of interests. 


3 Choice of Convener:

The Committee chose Richard Leonard as its Convener. 

4 Choice of Deputy Convener:

The Committee chose Sharon Dowey as its Deputy Convener.

5 Legacy paper:

The Committee considered the Public Audit and Post-legislative Scrutiny Committee’s Session 5 Legacy paper. 

6 Work programme (in private):

The Committee considered its approach to developing its work programme. The Committee also agreed to hold a business planning day and to invite the Auditor General for Scotland to attend. 


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