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Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Ministerial responsibilities

Letter from the Cabinet secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport to the Convener, 1 December 2021

Dear Convener,

I would like to take the opportunity to provide a revised division of policy responsibilities in the Net Zero, Energy and Transport portfolio following the Scottish Green Party cooperation agreement.

The full list of responsibilities are grouped by portfolio area and presented in the table at Annex A. It should be noted that all responsibilities, either listed against myself or my Ministers fall under the Net Zero, Energy and Transport portfolio.

There are however some topics where there is a crossover with other portfolio areas, most notably that of the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands. My officials are planning to meet Parliamentary Clerks to discuss and clarify these responsibilities and the topic split across portfolios.

I hope this is helpful.

Yours sincerely,
Michael Matheson


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Annexe A

Table of Ministerial responsibilities

Related correspondences

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Cabinet organogram

Letter from the Convener to the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport