Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
32nd Meeting, 2022
The Committee agreed to take items 3, 4 and 5 in private.
The Committee took evidence from—
Councillor Shaun Macaulay, Depute Leader, North Ayrshire Council;
Councillor Euan Jardine, Leader, Scottish Borders Council;
Councillor Alex Nicoll, Co-Leader, Aberdeen City Council;
Councillor David Ross, Leader, Fife Council;
Councillor James Stockan, Leader, Orkney Islands Council;
and then from—
Cleland Sneddon, Chair, SOLACE;
Councillor Shona Morrison, President and Sarah Watters, Director of Membership and Resources, COSLA.
The Committee considered the evidence heard earlier in the meeting.
The Committee considered a draft report and agreed to consider a revised draft at its next meeting.
The Committee agreed its submission to the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee.