Health, Social Care and Sport Committee
1st Meeting, 2022
The Committee decided to take items 5, 6 and 7 in private.
The Committee took evidence from—
Mary Glasgow, Chief Executive, Children 1st;
Jacquie Pepper, Chief Social Work Officer, Perth and Kinross Council, Social Work Scotland;
Suzanne Shields, Occupational Therapist and Care Group Lead for Occupational Therapy - Children and Young People , Royal College of Occupational Therapists;
Professor Hazel Borland, Interim Chief Executive, NHS Ayrshire and Arran;
Heather Connolly, Health Psychologist, Division of Health Psychology - Scotland, British Psychological Society;
Kirsty-Louise Hunt, Senior Policy and Public Affairs Lead, Barnardo's Scotland.
The Committee took evidence from—
Greig Chalmers, Head of Chief Medical Officer’s Policy Division, Terry O'Kelly,Senior Medical Advisor, David Bishop,Mesh Team Leader and Ailsa Garland,Solicitor, Scottish Government.
The Committee considered the following negative instrument— Abortion (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2021
The Committee agreed to make no recommendations in relation to the instrument.
The Committee considered the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 2.
The Committee considered the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 3.
The Committee agreed its approach to the inquiry.