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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Seòmar agus comataidhean

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Agenda: 14 September 2021

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

4th Meeting, 2021

Start time: 09:30am
Location: TG.60-CR3 The Fleming Room
Agenda items:

  1. Declaration of interests
  2. Decision on taking business in private
  3. Session 6 priorities
  4. Session 6 priorities

Agenda published: Thursday, 09 September 2021 12:54pm

Full agenda and available meeting papers

1. Declaration of interests

Marie McNair will be invited to declare any relevant interests.

2. Decision on taking business in private

The Committee will decide whether to take item 3 in private.

3. Session 6 priorities

The Committee will take evidence from—


  • Angela Constance
    Minister for Drugs Policy
    Scottish Government
  • Michael Crook
    Head of Drug Deaths Team, Drugs Policy Division
    Scottish Government
  • Morris Fraser
    Head of Delivery and Support Unit, Drugs Policy Division
    Scottish Government

Papers for this item:

1 private paper will be discussed during this agenda item

4. Session 6 priorities

The Committee will consider the evidence it heard under agenda item 3.

Papers for this item:

1 private paper will be discussed during this agenda item