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Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Update of Drugs Deaths Taskforce

Letter from Minister for Drugs Policy, 13 January 2022

Minister for Drugs Policy
Ministear airson Poileasaidh Dhrugaichean
Angela Constance BPA/MSP

Gillian Martin MSP – Convener, Health, Social Care and Sport Committee Audrey Nicoll MSP – Convener, Criminal Justice Committee
Gillian Mackay MSP – Green Spokesperson
Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP– Liberal Democrat Spokesperson Claire Baker MSP– Labour Spokesperson
Dr Sandesh Gulhane MSP – Conservative Spokesperson on Health Sue Webber MSP – Deputy Conservative Spokesperson on Drugs

13 January 2022 Dear Colleagues,

Further to my correspondence of 22nd December and my letter to the Health, Social

Care and Sport committee of 29th December, I am writing to update you on the Drug Deaths Taskforce.

As you know, today I will update parliament on my plans for the year ahead as we mark the first year of the National Mission. Ahead of this, I am pleased to let you know that I have asked David Strang to Chair the Taskforce. David brings a wealth of experience to the role of Chair. He is a former Chief Constable who has served as HM Chief Inspector of Prisons in Scotland and previously chaired the Independent Inquiry into Mental Health Services in Tayside.

I am sure you will agree that he is well placed to lead the Taskforce in its final few months until its conclusion in July 2022. My officials and I are continuing to have discussions regarding a new Vice-Chair and I will update you on that in due course.

As I emphasised in my previous correspondence, my priority is to focus on delivery and implementation, accelerating our work on reducing drug deaths and harms. That is why I asked for a final set of recommendations from the Taskforce by July 2022 and this will be the focus of the Taskforce under its new leadership.

The Taskforce has its next meeting on 19 January 2022 where I will meet with its members to discuss the months ahead and reiterate my gratitude for the work that has been done to date. My officials will work closely with the new Chair and Taskforce members to provide the support they need to conclude their work in July 2022.

I hope we can work on a cross-party basis to support the Taskforce in its work and to continue to work together to tackle our drug deaths crisis.

As ever, I am available to discuss this correspondence, or my plans for the coming year should that be helpful.

Yours sincerely,

Angela Constance

Minister for Drugs Policy