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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Finance and Public Administration Committee

National Performance Framework: Inquiry into proposed National Outcomes


The Scottish Government’s National Performance Framework (NPF) is a framework for all Scotland. The Government says it will create a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish. 

National Outcomes are part of the National Performance Framework and they describe the kind of Scotland “in which we all want to live”. The NPF aims to get everyone to work together to deliver the National Outcomes.

Progress towards achieving the National Outcomes is monitored and reported on using National Indicators. 

The Government must review the National Outcomes every five years and has started its latest review. During the review, the Government must:

  • consult with the public and consider the feedback it receives
  • show how they are aiming to reduce inequalities caused by socio-economic disadvantages when setting the new Outcomes
  • seek views from the Scottish Parliament on the proposed new National Outcomes

Consultation on proposed National Outcomes

The Government has completed its consultation and has published its proposed National Outcomes for the next five years for the Scottish Parliament to consider. It is also proposing an updated purpose for the National Performance Framework. The Finance and Public Administration Committee is leading on the scrutiny of these proposed National Outcomes however some other Committees will also wish to consider evidence related to their areas of interest.

On 19 June 2024 the Scottish Government published its impact assessments on how the proposed National Outcomes will impact on equalities, island communities, child rights and fairer Scotland.

There is one consultation for all Committees where you can share your views on these proposed National Outcomes.

The Parliament will then debate the report from the Finance and Public Administration Committee along with any published views from other Committees.

Call for Views

The Committee's call for views closed on 28 June 2024.

The Committee received 72 submissions to its call for views. Read the submissions on Citizen Space at the following link:

Submissions received to call for views on the proposed National Outcomes

SPICe Summary of Evidence

The Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) has produced a summary of the written submissions received. You can read the summary at the following link:

Inquiry into Proposed National Outcomes: SPICe Summary of Evidence (329KB, pdf) posted 28 August 2024


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