Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee
6th Meeting, 2025
The Committee agreed to take item 4 in private.
The Committee took evidence from—
Andrew Groundwater, Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development, Orkney Islands Council;
Martin Ingram, Principal Solicitor, Aberdeenshire Council;
Nareen Turnbull, Service Director, Human Resources, City of Edinburgh Council;
Alyia Zaheed, Corporate Officer - Equality and Diversity, East Ayrshire Council;
and then from—
John Dawson, Head of Strategy and Transformation, Public Health Scotland;
Jillian Matthew, Senior Manager, Audit Scotland;
Nicky Page, Head of Human Resources, Police Scotland.
The Committee agreed to defer consideration of the evidence it heard under agenda item 2 to a future meeting.
The Committee considered the Commission's report on progress in moving people from institutions to independent living and agreed to a future evidence session with the Commission to discuss the report.