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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee

Agenda: 12 March 2024

Tuesday, 12 March 2024

8th Meeting, 2024

Start time: 09:45am
Location: T1.60-CR4 The Clerk Maxwell Room
Agenda items: Declaration of interests, Subordinate legislation, HIV anti-stigma campaign/Achieving Zero New Transmission of HIV in Scotland by 2030, HIV anti-stigma campaign/Achieving Zero New Transmission of HIV in Scotland by 2030 (in private)
Agenda published: Thursday, 07 March 2024 02:25pm

Full agenda and available meeting papers

1. Declaration of interests

Marie McNair and Evelyn Tweed will be invited to declare any relevant interests.

2. Subordinate legislation

The Committee will consider the following negative instrument— Act of Sederunt (Fees of Messengers-at-Arms and Sheriff Officers) (Amendment) 2024 [SSI 2024/41]

Papers for this item:

3. HIV anti-stigma campaign/Achieving Zero New Transmission of HIV in Scotland by 2030

The Committee will take evidence from—

  • Alan Eagleson
    Head of Services
    Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland
  • Professor Claudia Estcourt
    Professor of Sexual Health and HIV
    Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Dr Bridie Howe
    BASHH Scotland Chair and HIV lead
    NHS Highland
  • Gabrielle King
    Policy and Research Manager
    Waverley Care
  • Dr Daniela Brawley
    Consultant in Sexual Health and HIV
    NHS Grampian
  • Dr Dan Clutterbuck
    Consultant in Genitourinary and HIV medicine
    NHS Lothian
  • Nicky Coia
    Health Improvement Manager (Sexual Health)
    NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
  • Dr Kirsty Roy
    Consultant in Health Protection
    Public Health Scotland

Papers for this item:

1 private paper will be discussed during this agenda item

4. HIV anti-stigma campaign/Achieving Zero New Transmission of HIV in Scotland by 2030 (in private)

The Committee will consider the evidence it heard under agenda item 3.