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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Seòmar agus comataidhean

Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee

Minutes: 15 March 2022

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

8th Meeting, 2022

Start time: 11:15am
Location: T1.60-CR4 The Clerk Maxwell Room
Published: Wednesday, 16 March 2022


1. Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill(In Private):

The Committee considered its approach to scrutiny of the Bill. It agreed—

  • A preferred indicative timetable for scrutiny of the Bill at Stage 1;
  • A call for views in short survey form for those wishing to comment in general terms on the Bill, to be issued in week commencing 21 March 2022;
  • A call for views in a longer, more detailed consultation form predominantly for organisations, also to be issued in week commencing 21 March 2022;
  • To produce each call for views in BSL, Gaelic and Easy Read formats;
  • That its scrutiny of the Bill must be conducted in a respectful and courteous manner; 
  • That submissions which contain offensive and/or defamatory content, are in breach of GDPR, or are not relevant to the scrutiny of the Bill, will not be published; 
  • That multiple submissions which are identical or similar in nature will be published once only, with an indication of how many such submissions have been received;
  • That any further consideration of its approach to scrutiny; potential witnesses for future evidence sessions; reviews of evidence heard, and consideration of a draft report will be taken in private at future meetings;
  • To undertake informal, private engagement sessions in a safe and secure setting with appropriate safeguarding, with notes of those sessions to be published; and,
  • To delegate responsibility for organising and inviting witnesses to the Convener and the clerks.

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