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Education, Children and Young People Committee

The Scottish Attainment Challenge


The Education, Children and Young People Committee is scrutinising the Scottish Attainment Challenge.

The Scottish Attainment Challenge was launched in 2015 and is funded by a number of programmes including Pupil Equity Funding. A total of £750m has been spent in the five years to 2021. The Scottish Government has said it will continue the fund and increase the amount of funding to £1bn over five years from 2021 to 2026.


9 February 2022

Academics and Third Sector Organisations: The Committee heard evidence from the University of Glasgow, the Poverty Alliance, the Education Endowment Foundation and the Fraser of Allander Institute.  Submissions from this session can be found in the correspondence for this inquiry.

23 February 2022

Third Sector Organisations: The Committee heard evidence from Aberlour Child Care Trust, Barnardo's Scotland, Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland and The Prince's Trust Scotland. Submissions from this session can be found in the correspondence for this inquiry.

20 April 2022

Trade Unions: The Committee heard evidence from the Association of Headteachers and Deputes in Scotland (AHDS), Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS), National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) and School Leaders Scotland. The EIS and NASUWT submissions are in the call for views which can be accessed above

4 May 2022

Directors of Education - The Committee heard evidence from four Directors of Education from the West Partnership., these included Directors of Education from East Renfrewshire Council, Glasgow City Council, Inverclyde and South Lanarkshire.,

11 May 2022

Education Scotland - The Committee heard evidence from Education Scotland, this including evidence on the attainment advisors. Education Scotland Submitted supplementary evidence which can be found in the correspondence for the inquiry.

18 May 2022

Scottish Government - The Committee heard evidence from the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills.

Your views

The Committee wanted to know how well this money has supported children from deprived backgrounds and the impact of the Scottish Attainment Challenge support on the attainment gap. A link to the responses that has been received is below. The submissions from those that have appeared as witnesses are listed in the correspondence.

Published responses for The Scottish Attainment Challenge - Scottish Parliament - Citizen Space


The Committee has carried out informal engagement sessions with Pupils from a Primary school, with Young People who have experience of being in care and with pupils receving support from Barnardos,


The Committee published its report on the 1 August 2022.

Scottish Attainment Challenge Report

Read the response from the Scottish Government (317KB, pdf) posted 26 September 2022


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