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Education, Children and Young People Committee

Legislative Consent Memorandum Advanced Research and Invention Bill


The Advanced Research and Invention Bill is a bill that was introduced in the House of Commons on 2 March 2021.

A Legislative Consent Memorandum (LCM) for the Bill was lodged by the Scottish Government on 2 September 2021.

Find out more about LCMs

On 14 September, the Parliamentary Bureau designated the Education, Children and Young People Committee as the ‘lead’ Committee scrutinising the LCM.

The Bill itself is summarized in a House of Lords Library briefing on the Bill which states the primary purposes of the Bill as follows:

“Firstly, it would establish the Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA). Secondly, it sets out ARIA’s functions. These are focused on conducting “ambitious” scientific research “with a tolerance to failure”. Thirdly, the bill would enable the secretary of state to make grants to ARIA and to provide it with funding” 


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