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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Alternative Certification Model


The Committee heard informal evidence from young people on their experience of the 2021 Alternative Certification Model (AMC) used to assess pupils in the Senior Phase of school, and focused on what lessons can be learned from the experience. Members also heard young peoples’ ideas on how assessment arrangements could be improved in the coming years. The Committee took formal evidence from the Scottish Qualifications Authority, the Association of Directors of education in Scotland, the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS), NASUWT Scotland and the Scottish Secondary Teachers Association (SSTA).



14, 15 and 16 September 2021

Informal evidence sessions with Young People

22 September 2021

Evidence session with ADES, EIS, NASUWT and SSTA

29 September 2021

Evidence session with Scottish Qualifications Authority


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