Economy and Fair Work Committee
1st Meeting, 2025
The Committee agreed to take items 3, 4, and 5 in private.
The Committee took evidence on the Scottish Government's Budget 2025-26 from—
Kate Forbes, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic, supported by Colin Cook, Director of Economic Development, Kathleen Swift, Head of DG Economy Finance Unit and Marcus McPhillips, Deputy Director, Economic Strategy and Delivery Unit, Scottish Government .
The Committee considered the evidence heard earlier under agenda item 2.
The Committee considered correspondence from the Scottish
Government about rural enterprise support and funding for Growbiz and agreed to
seek further information from the Scottish Government.
The Committee considered its approach to the legislative
consent memorandum lodged by Kate Forbes, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet
Secretary for Economy and Gaelic (LCM-S6-52). As the provisions of this Bill
broadly replicate those considered and reported on previously, the Committee
agreed not to take evidence and to consider a draft report, in private, at a
future meeting.
The Committee considered a draft report on the legislative consent memorandum lodged by Kate Forbes, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic (LCM-S6-50) and delegated to the Convener responsibility for finalising the draft report for publication.