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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Seòmar agus comataidhean


2nd Meeting, 2021

Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Session: 6
Location: T1.40-CR5 The Smith Room
Meeting opened at: 10:09am
Meeting closed at: 10:43pm

Committee Members Attendees

Stuart McMillan (Convener)

Bill Kidd (Deputy Convener)

Craig Hoy

Graham Simpson

Paul Sweeney

1 Decision on taking business in private: 

The Committee agreed to take item 6 in private. 

2 Instruments subject to the made affirmative procedure:

The Committee agreed to draw to the attention of the Parliament the following—

Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Requirements) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/277)

The Committee agreed that no points arose on the following—

  • Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 29) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/252);
  • Health Protection (Coronavirus) (International Travel etc.) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) (No. 3) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/254);
  • Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 30) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/255);
  • Health Protection (Coronavirus) (International Travel) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 14) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/256);
  • Health Protection (Coronavirus) (International Travel etc.) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) (No. 4) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/261);
  • Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 31) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/262);
  • Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 32) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/263)
  • Health Protection (Coronavirus) (International Travel etc.) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) (No. 5) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/264);
  • Health Protection (Coronavirus) (International Travel etc.) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) (No. 6) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/265);
  • Health Protection (Coronavirus) (International Travel) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 15) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/275);
  • Health Protection (Coronavirus) (International Travel etc.) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) (No. 7) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/278)

3 Instruments subject to affirmative procedure:

The Committee agreed that no points arose on the following—

  • Provision of Early Learning and Childcare (Specified Children) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2) Order 2021 (SSI 2021/draft);
  • Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Immunities and Privileges) (Scotland) Order 2021 (SSI 2021/draft);
  • European Union and European Atomic Energy Community (Immunities and Privileges) (Scotland) Order 2021 (SSI2021/draft);
  • National Bus Travel Concession Scheme for Young Persons (Scotland) Amendment Order 2021 (SSI 2021/draft)

4 Instruments subject to negative procedure:

The Committee agreed to draw to the attention of the Parliament the following—

  • Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019 (Register of Child Interview Rights Practitioners) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/233);
  • National Health Service (Travelling Expenses and Remission of Charges) (Scotland) (No. 2) Amendment Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/241);
  • Council Tax Reduction (Scotland) Regulations 2021(SSI 2021/249);
  • Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/274)

The Committee agreed that no points arose on the following—

  • Registration of Independent Schools (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/251)

5 Instruments not subject to any parliamentary procedure:

The Committee agreed that no points arose on the following—

  • Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 (Commencement No. 7) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/244 (C.15));
  • Coronavirus Act 2020 (Suspension: Disposal of Bodies) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/250)

6 Work programme (In Private):

The Committee agreed to write to the Scottish Government to highlight four instruments that had completed their Parliamentary passage in Session 6 before it had an opportunity to consider them.



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