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Criminal Justice Committee

Minutes: 15 May 2024

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

18th Meeting, 2024

Start time: 09:30am
End time: 01:08pm
Location: T4.60-CR6 The Livingstone Room
Published: Wednesday, 15 May 2024


1. Criminal Justice Bill (UK Parliament legislation):

The Committee took evidence on legislative consent memorandums LCM(S6)43 and LCM(S6)43a from—

Angela Constance, Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs.

2. Criminal Justice Bill (UK Parliament legislation):

The Committee considered the legislative consent memorandums lodged by Angela Constance, Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs (LCM(S6)43) and (LCM(S6)43a).

Members were content to recommend to the Parliament that consent should be given for the relevant provisions covered by (LCM-(S6)-43) and (LCM-(S6)-43a).

3. Subordinate legislation:

The Committee took evidence on the International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2024 [draft] from—

Angela Constance, Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs.

4. Subordinate legislation:

Angela Constance (Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs) moved—

S6M-12734—That the Criminal Justice Committee recommends that the International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2024 [draft] be approved.

The Motion was agreed to. 

5. Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) (Scotland) Bill:

The Committee took evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from—

Michelle Macleod, Commissioner, Phillip Chapman, Director of Operations and Sharon Clelland, Head of Legal Services, Police Investigations & Review Commissioner;

and then from—

Justin Farrell, Head of CAAPD, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service.

6. Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) (Scotland) Bill(In Private):

The Committee considered the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 5.

7. Work programme(In Private):

The Committee considered and agreed its work programme.

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