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Criminal Justice Committee

Agenda: 02 November 2023

Thursday, 02 November 2023

Start time: 01:00pm
Location: T4.60-CR6 The Livingstone Room
Agenda items: Joint meeting with the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee and Social Justice and Social Security Committee on tackling drug deaths and drug harm

Full agenda and available meeting papers

28th Meeting, 2023

Criminal Justice Committee, Health, Social Care and Sport Committee, and Social Justice and Social Security Committee Joint Meeting

Date: Thursday, November 2, 2023
Session: 6
Location: T4.60 CR6 The Livingstone Room
Start time: 1:00pm

1 Decision on taking business in private:

The Committees will decide whether to take item 3 in private.

2 Tackling drug deaths and drug harm:

The Committees will take evidence from—


Elena Whitham, Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy, Scottish Government

Orlando Heijmer-Mason, Head of Drugs Policy Division, Scottish Government

Michael Crook, Drug Policy Team Leader, Harm Reduction Team, Scottish Government

Susanne Millar, Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership

Paper 1 - Tackling Drug Deaths and Drug Harm Note by the Clerk (357KB, pdf) posted 30 October 2023 

CJ/S6/23/28/2(P) (Private Paper)

3 Tackling drug deaths and drug harm:

The Committees will review the evidence heard earlier in the meeting.