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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Criminal Justice Committee

Agenda: 02 March 2022

Wednesday, 02 March 2022

8th Meeting, 2022

Start time: 10:00am
Location: T4.60-CR6 The Livingstone Room
Agenda items:

  1. Subordinate legislation
  2. Subordinate legislation
  3. Subordinate legislation
  4. Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill
  5. Review of evidence (in private)

Agenda published: Friday, 25 February 2022 04:02pm

Full agenda and available meeting papers

1. Subordinate legislation

The Committee will take evidence on the Legal Aid and Advice and Assistance (Financial Limit) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2022 from—

  • Ash Regan
    Minister for Community Safety
    Scottish Government
  • Denise Swanson
    Interim Deputy Director Civil Law and Legal System
    Scottish Government
  • Martin Brown
    Legal Directorate
    Scottish Government

Papers for this item:

2. Subordinate legislation

Ash Regan, Minister for Community Safety, to move—

S6M-03003—That the Criminal Justice Committee recommends that the Legal Aid and Advice and Assistance (Financial Limit) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2022 be approved.

3. Subordinate legislation

The Committee will consider the following negative instruments—

Legal Aid and Advice and Assistance (Miscellaneous Amendment) (Scotland) Regulations 2022 (SSI 2022/30)

Parole Board (Scotland) Amendment Rules 2022 (SSI 2022/10)

Papers for this item:

4. Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill

The Committee will take evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from—

  • Vicki Bell
    Member of the Criminal Law Committee
    Law Society of Scotland
  • Stuart Murray
    Scottish Solicitors Bar Association

Papers for this item:

1 private paper will be discussed during this agenda item

5. Review of evidence (in private)

The Committee will consider the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 4.