Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Session: 6
Meeting opened at: 09:30am
Meeting closed at: 10:41am
Audrey Nicoll (Convener)
Russell Findlay (Deputy Convener)
Katy Clark
Jamie Greene
Fulton MacGregor
Rona Mackay
Pauline McNeill
Collette Stevenson
Members of the Committee were invited to declare any relevant interests. The following interests were declared—
Katy Clark indicated that she is a non-practicing solicitor in Scotland, England and Wales and that her father is a forensic psychiatrist and sits as a Mental Health tribunal panel member.
Russell Findlay indicated that as a journalist he reported extensively on policing and organised crime and that he is married to a police officer.
Fulton MacGregor declared an interest as a registered social worker and indicated that he was a practising criminal justice social worker for approximately 5 years prior to his election as an MSP in 2016.
Pauline McNeill indicated that her husband was formerly a member of the Criminal Bar but is no longer practising.
The Committee chose Audrey Nicoll as its Convener.
The Committee chose Russell Findlay as its Deputy Convener.
The Committee agreed to take item 5 in private.
The Committee considered its approach to developing its work programme and agreed to invite the Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Veterans to give evidence and to hold a series of roundtable evidence sessions after the summer recess. The Committee also agreed to hold a business planning day.