Inquiry into excess deaths in Scotland since the start of the pandemic
The COVID-19 Recovery Committee undertook an inquiry into the cause of excess deaths in Scotland since the start of the pandemic.
Data from the Scottish Government showed that deaths in Scotland are 11% above the average for this time of year and have been above the average for the last 26 weeks.
What is unclear, is the extent to which this is being caused by the COVID-19 caseload, or the indirect health effects of the pandemic.
Oral evidence
The Committee took evidence on this inquiry during the following sessions;
24 February 2022
10 March 2022
17 March 2022
Your views
The Committee sought views on the following questions:
- Has the public health emergency shifted from COVID-19 deaths to deaths from non-COVID-19 conditions?
- Is there evidence that patients are now presenting in a more acute condition?
- What accounts for the deaths from non-COVID-19 conditions?
- Is there enough of a strategic focus on the indirect health impacts of the pandemic?
- What are the realistic options open to the government in addressing the indirect health impact of the virus in winter 2021/22?
The call for views closed on Friday, 7 January 2022.
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