PE1879/E - Provide an accessible and professionally developed learning and teaching resource on Israel and Palestine
I'm concerned that the resource for teachers about Balfour and the role Britain played in depriving Palestinians of the rights to their country has not been endorsed by the Scottish Government yet. I believe that an important part of the world's history with consequences experienced today is, in effect, being hidden from view making a just solution to the current situation much harder to find.
It is my view that the resource should be made readily accessible by the Scottish Government - just like other well researched items that teachers can and do use. If there is any opposition to this, then the Scottish Government should organise a review of the resource to consider the reasonableness of any objections in order to produce a version that can be used.
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
PE1879/A - Provide an accessible and professionally developed learning and teaching resource on Israel and Palestine
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
PE1879/B: Provide an accessible and professionally developed learning and teaching resource on Israel and Palestine
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
PE1879/C - Provide an accessible and professionally developed learning and teaching resource on Israel and Palestine
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
PE1879/D - Provide an accessible and professionally developed learning and teaching resource on Israel and Palestine